Video Game Storytelling
What Every Developer Needs to Know About Narrative Techniques
Based in part on my long-running GDC tutorial, this book on the basics of storytelling in games is designed to make every game developer who reads it a stronger storyteller and a better collaborator with professional game writers.
Nearly 20,000 game development professionals and students have explored Video Game Storytelling so far. And with an average reader rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars, it is one of the highest-rated books of its kind on Amazon.
Utilized in classes at:
University of California Irvine
Texas State University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
University of Connecticut
Webster University
University of Utah
DigiPen Institute of Technology
George Mason University
University of Silicon Valley
Indiana State University
University of Northampton
California State University, Fullerton
Temple University
Swiss University of Applied Sciences
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